2017 Series Overview
Report prepared May 30, 2017
This series consisted of 5 online / webinar format Christian Science lectures given during the months of April and May 2017, designed to appeal to college students in the Bay Area and elsewhere. Each talk was attended in person by an average of 30 people. Live webcast / webinar attendees ranged from 159-228 logged in computers per talk. $100 per talk was spent on Facebook advertising to promote webinar registrations, which reached a total of over 150,000 impressions, resulting in in approximately 2500 clicks to the landing page. The 2017 Healing 101 replay videos have been viewed, as of May 30, 2017, a total of 10,687 times.
12 Churches & CSOs Supporting this Series
- Christian Science Organization at UC Berkeley
- Christian Science Organization at UC Davis
- Christian Science Organization at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
- First Church of Christ, Scientist, Orinda
- First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oakland
- Tenth Church of Christ, Scientist, Oakland
- First Church of Christ, Scientist, Pleasant Hill
- First Church of Christ, Scientist, Napa
- First Church of Christ, Scientist, Davis
- Christian Science Society, Point Richmond
- First Church of Christ, Scientist, Menlo Park
- First Church of Christ, Scientist, Carmel
All talks were webcast live. 4 were given at local colleges and universities, and 1 talk was only available via remote webcast.
Assets and Technology
- Lecture Series Website – https://healing101talks.org
- WebinarJam (for hosting live streaming video) – http://webinarjam.com
- Facebook Page (for promoting series) – https://www.facebook.com/Healing101series/
- YouTube for hosting replays – playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbBt4hvaf54&index=1&list=PLfgCSRbQJ6UDgyYYxqFyZ72lHMx8RGB1F
- Google Analytics for tracking visitors to the website
- Bit.ly for tracking QR code scans in posters and signs – tracking URL: http://bit.ly/1XrY3Iu+
- MailChimp (mail list software) for communicating with interested viewers
- Facebook Advertising
- Printed flyers
- Google Forms for follow-up feedback survey
Healing 101 Website Stats (From May 30, 2016 – May 30, 2017)
Where Are they From?
Audience Overview
Unique Visitors: 4,081
Pageviews: 12,360
New Visitors: 42.9%
Returning Visitors: 57.1%

Male: 35%
Female: 65%
Viewers aged 18-24: 4.59%
Viewers aged 25-34: 6.35%
Viewers aged 35-44: 7.73%
Viewers aged 44-54: 12.32%
Viewers aged 55-64: 26.25%
Viewers aged 65+: 42.77%
Target age demographic (18-34) who viewed the site: 10.94%

Mobile or Desktop?
Desktop users: 52.61%
Mobile users: 29.53%
Tablet users: 17.86%

WebinarJam Stats
Janet Hegarty, CSB – “How To Make Change for the Better” Webinar Registrations

Tony Lobl, CS – “Mary Baker Eddy’s Legacy: 150 Years of Practical Spirituality” Webinar Registrations
Josh Niles, CSB – “The Law of Harmony and Christian Science Healing” Webinar Registrations
Tom McElroy, CS – “Spiritual discovery: How you can better the world” Webinar Registrations
Melanie Wahlberg, CS – “Never Alone: How Spiritual Ideas Work in Us” Webinar Registrations
MailChimp Subscribers
During webinar sign-up, registrants were given the opportunity to sign up for the Healing 101 mailing list for future communications.
Total MailChimp email list subscribers as of May 2, 2016: 422
Total MailChimp email list subscribers as of May 30, 2017: 771
QR Code Clicks on Posters and Signs
Total visits to site in 2017 (including test clicks) using the printed QR code included on the printed posters and signs: 15
YouTube Video Views (Live & Replay)
Stats Overview
Subscribers: 357
Facebook Page Stats
Total Page Likes as of May 2, 2016: 179
Total Page Likes as of May 30, 2017: 356
Follow-up Survey Responses (as of May 30, 2017)
Contacts for More Information
Technical Production: Gabriel Serafini / Share the Practice – gserafini@gmail.com (415) 640-5984
Lecture Series Organizer: Anna Lisa Kronman – alkronmancs@gmail.com (925)528-9919