Demystifying Spiritual Healing

Beth Packer, CS

November 6, 2020 at 7:30 PM PST.

“Demystifying Spiritual Healing”
by Beth Packer, CS — from New South Wales, Australia

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Orinda, CA – USA invites you to join us for a live web lecture

This is a lecture full of heart and practical application. Through analogies and healing examples, in ‘Demystifying Spiritual Healing’ we discover where genuine security in our lives really comes from. The knowledge that there is a divine Principle underlying our lives that, when relied on, consistently brings peace and goodness to our lives, has been known and proved for centuries. We see that, by looking to God, Spirit, instead of materiality, the people in the Bible found reliable peace, healing and solutions to their everyday needs. And the discovery of the Science of Christ, by Mary Baker Eddy, shows how we too can experience this same peace, security and healing, in our lives. It brings us to the realization that we can no more run out of the good that we need than we can run out of God’s love for us.

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Speaker’s Contact Information

Phone: +61 (0)4 0955 0742